Category: Uncategorized
Bazaar Bizarre Experience 2012
Thank you for everyone who came by our booth! New Items added: Clipper Card Holders! Fleece Animal Hats! Fabric Earrings! Also, for everyone who participated with our Tooth Fairy Pillow Make and Take workshop! It was a success 😀 I will post a collage of all the crafters finished pillows made, in a separate…
Baazar Bizarre today!!!
Come by Sweet Dreams Project’s booth and pick up some gifts for the holidays. Our eye pillows, neck pillows, zip cases will be there! Also, we have limited fleece animal hats and earrings created by yours truly, Sweet Dreams! Sweet Dreams and Turning Heads will be teaching attendees how to make fleece Tooth Fairy Pillows…
Spark SF is an organization that works with women’s organizations around the world and improve the lives of women. These past months Spark SF women have been working with Turning Heads members with workshops to improve our business Sweet Dreams as well as our personal lives. One of the first workshops we had was called…
Coming soon
Hey guys! There’s an exciting event coming up. We’re going to have a Back to Fashion School sale. Here’s a link with more information about the event: Me and the other members are getting ready for this. We’re thinking about making sewing tutorials, any suggestions? Well that’s all I would like to say. Mariluz…
School Season
Hello everyone, this is Veronica. It’s this time of the year, school is starting. Melissa is starting this week. Mariluz, and Joselyn start next week. Nancy C, Nancy M, and Samantha start the week after next week. Then I start the week after. A lovely eye pillow or a neck pillow would be perfect for…
Day THREE: Squaw Valley Retreat
Today is our last day in Squaw Valley. We had buckwheat pancakes with fruits for breakfast today which was really good. We started this a different puzzle last night which was 500 pieces and we couldn’t complete it because of the time. Before, we really left the house we watched part of the Olympics. Then…
DAY TWO: Squaw Valley Retreat
We woke up to delish parfait for breakfast. After breakfast, we went to Commons Beach in Lake Tahoe and we strolled around the area as we spoke. We proceeded to eat a delicious vegetarian wrap for lunch. It was really hot. We did some breathing exercise, journaling, and crashed Wanderlust*. At Wanderlust we got freebies,…
DAY ONE: Squaw Valley retreat.
Today we arrived at the studio around 2:15 to get ready for our adventure to Squaw Valley. As we waited for the wise women to arrive, we talked about our expectations about the trip. We were all very excited! A couple of minutes later they arrived. We met Chetana, Lauren, Ellen, Jennifer, and Annie who…
Recent NFTE event
Hey guys! This is our new product. They’re clipper card holders but objects around the general size of clipper card may fit inside. They super cute and they’re hand made. They’re a lot cheaper than other card holders. The outside is water proof. We have different prints of oil cloth for the card holder. The…
Needles and Threads outside Sweet Dreams
Months ago I started a Facebook group called La Maquina, with a purpose to get women together for a summer sewing circle. We have done embroidery, making our own pillow cases and basic stenciling. Veronica, my co-Sweet Dreamer, has been on this with me. We are hoping to get down and creative this summer and…